Saturday, September 25, 2004

A Creeping Feeling

It's amazing how much anger there is out in the Democratic base over this election. The anger is visceral. I can describe it only with a toungue-in-cheek analogy from my life in general. Dems hate Bush in this election the way I hate the Yankees. It's just that simple. Except more. And for those who know me personally, that's saying a lot.

I wonder what's happening to America when, standing with a Kerry sign on a corner while registering voters, I was heckled and called "Un-American". Is this for real? I'm un-American because I'm participating in the process that has defined and embodied the essence of what it means to be American? Folks, we are in trouble when supporting a candidate for election elicits this kind of reaction from those on the other side. I understand supporting a candidate, and I even understand heckling. That's all well and good. I'll heckle Bush supporters until the end, but never will I call them un-American. I don't know. I'm almost too saddened with all of this to have too much to say about it.

It makes me nervous that this administration is able to promote these emotions in their supporters. I just think back to the days following 9/11 and realize how much this administration has squandered.


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