Saturday, September 25, 2004

The Unseen Voters and How Much Bush Sucks

Kos alerts us to an interesting article in the NYT tomorrow that discusses all the unbelievable voter registration numbers in swing states. The good news is that us Dems are outpacing the GOPers by enormous margins. This is what we all have to keep in mind when we think about the polls we're seeing. All of these new voters aren't being polled, because until they registered, they weren't considered "likely voters".

I think this election is going to see enormous turnout from all sides. But I think our side will win, because as far as I can tell, the left is absolutely incensed by this administration. I can't think of one area in which the Bush administration has been in any way successful, except of course for making the rich even more so.

Tax burdens on the middle class have grown as wages and employment rates have fallen. Here are some good numbers you can drop on your local Bushophile:

Global Economy

No. of manufacturing jobs lost under Bush Admin.: 1.7 million

U.S. trade deficit in 2003: $549 billion
U.S. trade deficit in 1999: $271 billion

No. of U.S. jobs lost in software dev. from 2000-2004: 128,000
No. of jobs gained in software dev. from 2000-2004 in India: 150,000


Ave. tax break for top 1% earners under Bush: $96,634
Ave. tax break for bottom 60% of earners: $350

Health Care

Number of new uninsured since Bush took office: 3.8 Million
Number of people who gained insurance under Clinton: 2.3 Million

Ave. cost increase of the 10 most used prescr. drugs in 2003 alone: 83%
Additional profits for pharma industry as a result: $139 Billion

The Economy

Federal Surplus when Bush entered office: $5.6 Trillion
Federal deficit under Bush Admin.: $2.3 Trillion
2004 Deficit: $450 Billion
Approximate U.S. debt, to the penny: $7,298,671,067,464.27


Number of jobs lost under Bush Admin.: 1.2 Million
Number of jobs promised under Bush Tax Cuts: 5.5 Million
Number of jobs created under Clinton Admin.: 21 Million

Unemployment Rate Today: 5.6%
Unemployment Rate when "recovery" began in 2001: 5.6%

Underemployment Rate Today: 9.6%
Underemployment Rate when "recovery" began: 9.4%

The War

2005 Defense Budget: $447 Billion
2001 Defense Budget: $291 Billion

U.S. Military KIA in Iraq & Afghanistan: 1,041
Number of U.S. Military killed since "major combat operations" ended: 797
Est. Civilians wounded or killed in Iraq & Afghan.: 14,673


Amount Bush Admin underfunded No Child Left Behind: $9.4 Billion
Amount NCLB has been underfunded since 2001: $26.4 Billion

Stats found here.


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