Friday, September 24, 2004

Kerry Slips on the Brass Knuckles

Late last night, we received a call at the office about an impromptu speech Kerry would be giving this morning at Temple University. JK was scheduled to appear at UPenn today for a rally, but decided to address a small crowd at Temple before the event early this morning. His topic was Foreign Policy, and specifically, the War on Terrorism.

And finally, Kerry took off the gloves. He gave a forceful, coherent, and comprehensive speech covering a seven point plan on how to approach the War on Terrorism in a way that will not only produce results, but also lead to a victory for the United States and the rest of the civilized world. The outcome Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda want the most is for the West to become inflamed in a conflict with the Muslim world. They want a clash of civilizations. But this shouldn't be the clash of civilizations Sam Huntington famously described in 1998, but rather, it is a struggle between civilized peoples and the radical islamic movement that wants nothing less than to establish an oppressive, fundamentalist empire from Eastern Europe, to Africa, across the Middle East, and into Asia.

Kerry did not avoid Iraq (now a new hotbed for terrorist groups), and he did not avoid going after the current Administration for its many mistakes and failed international policies. The fact is that in every single case, save the invasion of Afghanistan, this Administration has lead us vastly astray in our quest to defeat terrorism and make the United States and its allies completely secure from the threats of groups like Al Qaeda, who have been helped more than hurt by the current administration.

The crowd was alive and Kerry has hit his stride. It will be an interesting month running up to the election.

39 days...


At September 24, 2004 at 5:11 PM, Blogger IncrediblyX said...

I really hope John Kerry wins this election. I proudly display my John Kerry bumper sticker on my car out here in Wichita Falls, TX.


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