Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Just Win, Baby

It's all coming down to that. We've got 28 days. We've got to win. Anything that you are doing to elect Kerry and Edwards, do a little bit more. Host a debate gathering at your house. The Vice Presidential Debate is tonight at 9pm. The next Presidential Debate is Friday at 9pm. Make sure you log on after the debate to vote in the polls at the online news pages (below). Call into your local radio station to talk about how great Edwards was, and how great Kerry will be on Friday. Write letters to the editors of your local paper. Talk about how badly Bush has governed this country, and how much better Kerry will be. Be positive. Be upbeat. Be confident. We will win this, but we need everyone to pitch in and help. Do anything you can during the next few weeks to make us successful. If you aren't in a swing state, try to take a weekend before the election to travel to one to knock on doors or drop lit.

You can sign up to help at JohnKerry.com.

Check the polls tonight:

cbs news
abc news
faux news

Get your friends to vote. Both in these polls and on Election Day. Most registration deadlines have passed, but some, like the one in Massachusetts, are later in the week (10/8).

Let's go, everyone. This is the most important election we have ever faced. Our nation will either turn towards the past - more intolerance, more fear, more debt and deficits - or we can turn in a new direction towards a stronger, safer nation, better alliances around the globe, and a goverment that actually cares about the American people. ALL the American people.

28 Days. Let's win.

(and go Red Sox.)


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