Sunday, October 03, 2004

31 Days, 30 Nights

I think it's come to the point where I've been fully saturated by this campaign. My sleep patterns, while fairly regular, are totally screwy, for the main reason that I never feel like my mind stops working on winning Chester County. I can think of a friend or two who, at this moment, are probably beginning to dream in Spanish. I've begun to dream in the world and language of the Kerry Campaign. And it's not helping me wake up rested. Over the past few nights, I have been dreaming as if I'm actually awake at work, having meetings, and pushing ahead towards Nov. 2. A couple times I've had to sit and think about conversations I remember, to assure myself that they were either real, or only dreams. I'm expecting that this will be the toughest part of this campaign process. I've hit the first major wall. And it's a big one. It seems that my mind isn't exhausted, just single tracked and doggedly turning over the same problems and issues, no matter my state of consciousness. The wall isn't so much something that has knocked me back on my heels, but I can forsee that it will wear me out if I don't get through it. I've never experienced anything like this, and I've always prided myself on having the ability to let go of the issues of the day when I close my eyes at night. Not so much anymore, and FJ is probably chuckling right now.

So. If anyone has any tips, let me know.


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