Wednesday, September 29, 2004

The Red Sox, The Playoffs, and Bill Simmons

I'm going off general topic for a post here. Most of you know me, and most of you know how much of a fanatical Red Sox fan I am. So I have to admit that, once again, they've sucked me into believing completely that THIS IS THE YEAR. Even after the most devastating loss of my conscious lifetime last October. That was then. This is now. They're going to do it this time. Just you wait.

Many of you probably don't know about Bill Simmons, however. Simmons, known now as The Sports Guy on's Page 2, was formerly known as The Boston Sports Guy and, in my opinion, speaks for the entirety of Red Sox Nation.

Take this nugget, for instance:

[Game 7 of the World Series] is scheduled for Halloween night. Seriously. I'm not sure what chain of events would need to happen here -- it would be extensive -- but the thought of Mike Myers coming out of the Red Sox bullpen, on Halloween night, to pitch in the deciding game of a World Series at Fenway ... I mean ... wouldn't that be the most unbelievable scenario in the history of sports? And what if he won the game? Would there be rioting in Boston and Haddonfield? I can't stop thinking about this. Red Sox pitcher Mike Myers enters Game 7 of the World Series at Fenway on Halloween night ... this could actually happen. My God.

So go read he latest column, Pledge allegiance to Red Sox and enjoy a true master of this art of blogging, regardless that it's about my favorite team.


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