Saturday, September 18, 2004


Sorry for the lack of posting.

We just ushered about 50 canvassers out the door. What a great day.

They arrived in torrential rains from DC and were not deterred by rains of biblical proportions this morning. We had a great volunteer who became our canvassing coordinator and ran a great program for the visitors. And they reported that our county seems to be in good shape. Which is great news.

Our volunteers feel like they've had a surge of positive energy, and it's definitely infectious. There's so much negative news lately that it's hard to remember to be upbeat about this election. But when I overhear a volunteer saying that he hasn't been this excited since John F. Kennedy was elected, I can't help but smile and know that we're doing valuable work here.

Tonight, my regional coordinator and I are going to a dinner for the community dems. Should be a lot of hand shaking and smiling. But we'll get through it. Andre Heinz was slated to speak but he couldn't be here due to the flooding, so we've been scrambling to get someone else to fill the slot. Sorta tough with 0 hours of lead time.

But it'll be fine.

The big news is the Edwards block party on Sunday in Phoenixville. Tickets (free) are going like hot cakes and it should be a great crowd with clear skies tomorrow, which is great news after the last few gloomy days.

I'm working on about 5 hours of sleep for about 5 nights in a row, so I'm beginning to get into the tired-operation frame of mind. I'll try to spend some time tonight doing some more blogging, as I miss getting words down. There;s just been so much to do.

Later skaters.


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