Thursday, September 16, 2004

Kerry Takes a Swing

Sorry for the light posting today. It's been a bit hectic to say the least.

The approach to the weekend is always busy because we do canvassing on saturdays and sundays, and that takes a LOT of organization and preparation to get everything right. We have 9 buses of canvasers coming into our general region this weekend from New York and Massachusetts. That means that lunches have to be made, walk-lists have to be printed, and turf has to be cut. Of course, none of this was done today, because today was spent getting all the stuff done on our other responsibilities so we could handle the weekend crush.

Edwards is coming into the county on Saturday, too. So I was on the phone a lot of the afternoon getting our crowd building efforts underway.

Michael Berg, the speaker I saw last night in Phoenixville, was also in the office today, making polling calls for us for 2 hours. And he'll be back next week to do more.

Susan stopped by my desk after he left and paraphrased an old quote that i apologize for not being able to attribute:

"We have orphans, and we have widows, but there's no word for someone who loses a child, because it's just too awful."

This war in Iraq has put us in the position again to see over a thousand American families bury their children.

Kerry, in a speech to members of the National Guard today, took the president strongly to task for his misguided leadership:

"The president stood right here where I'm standing and didn't acknowledge that more than 1,000 men and women have lost their lives in Iraq," said the decorated Vietnam War veteran. "He didn't tell you that with each passing day, we're seeing more chaos, more violence, indiscriminate killings. He didn't tell you that with each passing week, our enemies are actually getting bolder — that Pentagon officials report that entire regions of Iraq are now in the hands of terrorists and extremists."

I for one am glad to see it and I hope he continues to be tough on this issue. There are over a thousand families like Michael Berg's now, and there shouldn't even be one.


At September 17, 2004 at 1:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are houseparties being planned by several groups, Acorn,, NAACP, National Education Association and more. All the parties are the evening of 9/22. This could be one of the easier ways for people to participate in the election process.

"Next week, on Wednesday September 22nd, MoveOn will join more than 40 groups in co-hosting house parties across the nation. The goal is to highlight the failures of our national leadership on public education, and to begin to build solutions. More than 2000 house parties are already planned. With your help we will build the largest national mobilization for public schools ever."

For more information, you can go to this site:

To get more information on what the house party will be like, you can read through the action kit on this site.


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