Wednesday, September 15, 2004

busy busy busy

I've got a rare lull in the action around here, so I thought I'd fire out an update.

It's definitely been a day of some anticipation and some letdowns. But this is the nature of the beast in the campaign season, I think.

Last night at around 10pm we were informed that Madeleine Albright would be available to the first county that wanted her and we jumped. This morning we found out that we had secured her as a speaker. So the team here swung into action, contacted the local West Chester Univ. for a speaking area and started doing general logistical work to make sure the event, tentatively scheduled for friday night, would be effective. I took point position on the event, which is extremely exciting, and had success getting initial logistics in place for it.

Until 2pm, that is, at which point my regional director informed me that they had moved Albright to a college closer to Philly for transportation reasons. The upside, however, is that she also informed me that John Edwards would be making an appearance here in our county on Sunday, so we're off to the races again getting ready for that.

The other big menu item for the day was the scheduled appearance of Brian Williams and the NBC Nightly News team to do a piece on swing state campaigning. Except that we got Ivan'd. We found out about an hour ago that we wouldn't be seeing the much anticipated news crew. Ivan's scheduled landfall in Alabama means that we are not the top story. So that's that. I just hope all those on the Gulf Coast are ok.

I'm going to be out of the office tonight at a rally in Phoenixville where Michael Berg, the father of Nick Berg, will be speaking. They tell me I have to address the crowd, so we'll see if I can throw some remarks together in time.

But first, I've got a supporter coming in who has volunteered to lead neighborhood canvassing this weekend. So we've got to get him up to speed...

48 Days.


At September 15, 2004 at 11:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jared - What great postings and stories. I can only imagine the roller coaster that you are riding right now. YOu are doing such a great job of describing the ride, I feel like I am there with you. Riding home tonight I was listening to NPR -----------
"Christopher Dickey's new novel The Sleeper tells the story of a former terrorist who hunts down his former al Qaeda comrades after the Sept. 11 attacks. Dickey is the Paris bureau chief and Middle East regional editor for Newsweek magazine." (from the NPR site) --------- and he was saying a lot of what you said today. He was saying that we are worrying so much about al Qaeda when they only represent a small percentage, like 3%, of the problems while the insergents are the large numbers and the ones that we need to be taking care of at this point.

Wow, while I am writing this, you just posted more. I can sure feel how much the talk you were just at moved you. It is very painful to hear all these stories, knowing full well that these people did not need to die.

Dickey was also talking about the upcoming elections and the fear that we are living with now that we will have a terrorist attack before the elections. He was saying that may be, but what needs to be figured out is whether this administration is good fot the terrorists or not and his comment was that he thought al Qaeda problably viewed this administration as a friend because as you said, the war is building new recruits for them and continuing to fan the fires.

I am learning a lot through what you are writing and it is all encouraging me to continue to look for information and learn more. Thanks for all that you are doing for all of us. Keep the updates coming.

At September 15, 2004 at 11:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, that last anonymous would be SueB, as if you didn't know!!!

At September 18, 2004 at 12:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have read the dispatches from the field with great interest. The pace is rigorous; the purpose serious; wit, courage, an adaptive stategy and some pluck when it counts are your strengths. Your opponents are clever and cannot be expected to be generous. They will not always do things that make them stronger. Ask a lot of questions.
Oh, so anonymous


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