Sunday, September 12, 2004

Day 0

I'm sitting in a room at the Holiday Inn at the edge of West Chester, PA. I drove down from NYC this evening, where I spent a great weekend with a couple old friends from school.

I don't know what to expect tomorrow as I enter my first day on the campaign, but I'm looking forward to getting my feet under me and finally getting on with the work I have ahead of me.

A little background and housekeeping on stuff in general:

The Where: West Chester (map) is located almost due west of Philadelphia. From what I can tell from my evening cruise around the area, it seems to be a nice little borrough, full of Irish Pubs and shop-lined streets. I'll try to put a pic up in the next day or so to give you an idea of what I mean. I believe West Chester University is nearby, as well, so there should be some energy around town.

I'll be living with a host family of KE04 supporters who I have yet to meet. Tomorrow morning, I'll be heading to the local campaign headquarters to get situated and receive my marching orders, so I'll have more on that tomorrow.

The Why: I'm a politics junky, and working on a campaign of this scale and intensity is an opportunity I could not pass up. I can't envision a point in my future when I will have the flexibility to quit a good job and move to a swing state to work in a presidential campaign. I'm convinced that it will be an experience I can't afford to miss.

The How: TONS of help. This is where I thank my parents who agreed to help support me not only with encouragement, but also fiscally, so I can have the amazing luxury of being able to campaign as a volunteer organizer. And they thought they were finally rid of me... ha! I have to thank Frankki for supporting me with a couple crucial contacts and more than a couple swift kicks in the butt along the way. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her. I also want to thank all my friends and former colleagues for the words of support and encouragement. It made it a lot easier to quit a decent job to work for free!

Ok, enough with the thanks and glad handing.

I hope you all enjoy the blog and stop by often... again, let me know what you think and say hello. I want your feedback!


At September 13, 2004 at 12:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a comment! i'm glad you are doing this now so that you can be prepared to run my campaign in 40 years! love ya! joy


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